
Children and adults with autism can present psychomotor and sensorimotor disorders from an early age. These difficulties require rehabilitative and rehabilitative interventions. The most common is psychomotricity intervention.

Speech therapy

An autistic person is someone who has difficulty communicating with others. As the speech-language pathologist is a communication specialist, he is able to help these people be better able to communicate effectively.


As autism is still poorly explained, no one has found a miracle solution to restore these children to more normal development. Therapies are tried, such as the ABA method, or analysis of applied behavior.


The PECS is a communication tool. It allows the child to make choices, to express his needs and desires, to comment and to interact with others. This image exchange communication system emphasizes two aspects of communication: - initiation (the aim being to obtain spontaneous communication from the child). -the exchange (the child realizes that there is a person close to him and that he can communicate with him).

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